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HACKER: Someone who uses their experiece
to overcome a problem
Participants are generally students from secondary educational institutions that have varied skill sets and a willingness to tackle the questions and/or projects posed by the mentors. The participants are the reasons the hackathons exist and produce solutions to many pressing issues. Skill levels can vary from zero to expert which allows opportunities to collaborate and grow through the hackathon experience. Prior to the event, Participants should allow approximately one hour of time for a brief conference call with other mentors, supporting staff, participants and the organizing committee. During the event it is suggested that a minimum of four to six hours be allotted daily for dedicated work on the selected project. The hackathon will schedule daily check-in’s for the groups in which brief updates of work and goals will need to be given. The last day of the event will include a team given presentation as well as submission of deliverables (GitHub repository, with any associated code and a PDF of a team presentation).


HackHCP PEARC20 Pre Kickoff Meeting 07/23/2020