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Presented by HackHPC

HPCinthecity Banner

November 5th - 9th, 2020


Thank you to the judges and speakers that helped HPC in the City be such a great success:

Judges: Simeon Ananou (University of Vermont), Kelly Gaither (TACC), Rosalia Gomez (TACC), Christine Harvey (Sandie National Labs), Linda Hayden (ECSU), Sara Jeanes (Internet2), Gina LaMotte (EcoRise), Jay Lofstead (Sania National Labs), Lynn Vance (Ascension Healthcare)
Speakers: Jay Alameda (XSEDE), Gary Brantleyt (City of Atlanta), Runqiu Rachel Cai (Google), Amy Cannon (Omnibond), Anna Dabrowski (TACC), Christine Harvey (Students@SC20), Tom Krueger (Intel), Nash Palaniswamy (Intel), Vas Vasiliadis (Globus)

Special thanks to our SPONSORS and to the SC20 conference

Click for Photos

Final Results:

Participants: 63
Hackers: 31
Mentors: 7
Support Staff: 8
Speakers: 9
Teams: 9
Student-Mentors: 3
Hours: 96+
HPC in the City Impact Award Winner:
Hotspot Hero 6 - GITHUB
HPC in the City Judges Choice Award Winner:
Fraud Finders - GITHUB
HPC in the City Viewers Choice Award Winner:
Silent Titanic Space Pythons - GITHUB
Final Presentations:
Link to Video
Visit Past Hacks for a full list of teams and projects

Word Cloud of Mentor Projects

Map of Participants and Mentors

Hackathon Schedule and Trainings:

HackHPC Schedule on Github
Self Paced Training
September 24th@10:00am ET - Mentor Training
Slides - Video - Mentor MiniHack Challenge
October 1st@10:00am ET - Github/Slack Training
Slides - Video - Github Link
October 8th@10:00am ET - Python Development Environment Training
Slides - Video - Sample Code
October 15th@10:00am ET - Google Cloud Training
Slides - Video
October 22nd@10:00am ET - CloudyCluster Training
Slides - Video - CloudyCluster Tutorial
October 29th@10:00am ET - Mentor Determined Pretraining
Overview - Bringing it all Together - Data Science
Data Science Github Repo - Data Science Example Files - Video
November 5th - HPC in the City HACKATHON begins!
November 9th - Final Presentations


The primary goal of the first HPC in the City is to host a hackathon focused on issues that directly impact the Atlanta Metro Area. These issues can range from societal to scientific utilizing available subject area specialists. The hackathon aims to harness the resources, skills, and knowledge found in the HPC community in an effort to provide applied exposure towards the conference host city local students of 2-4 year post-secondary educational institutions. In short, the hackathon will provide HPC skills and training while targeting problems that directly affect the participants. The hackathon is being planned from the outset as a virtual event.

Prior hackathon example projects: Past Hacks

Do I need to know how to code to participate?
No! All projects need a variety of skills, coding is just one of the many.
Do I have to stay up the entire hackathon?
No! You and your team decide on goals and mini-goals. Outside of some defined checkpoints, your time is your own.
Is it a contest?
Sometimes, but if it is we clearly define the judging criteria. We do often enjoy a little healthy competition from small tasks to the overall judging of the final product with sponsor-provided prizes.
Will this interfere with me attending the conference or participating in a student program?
Though we can not speak for your schedule or associate responsibilities, we do work closely with conference organizers to not conflict with other events. Commonly this is why the hackathons take place during night hours or in the case of HPC in the City, the week prior to the conference.